Adultery takes place when a married person has an extra-marital sexual relationship with another person with whom he/she is not married to whilst being married.
Adultery or Improper Association?
In Singapore, you can file for a divorce on the grounds of adultery and prove that this has caused the marriage's irretrievable breakdown. When a person commits adultery, they voluntarily engage in sexual intercourse with anyone other than their spouse.
It can be difficult to prove adultery. As such, many people would prefer to rely on the factor of "unreasonable behaviour" due to improper association to show an "irretrievable breakdown of marriage" instead.
Our series of articles on Adultery in Singapore provide all the answers you need.
Couples in Singapore can file for a divorce on grounds of adultery and prove that this has caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. When a person commits adultery, he/she voluntarily engages in sexual intercourse with any person other than his/her spouse.
In Singapore, the only ground on which one can get a divorce is when the relationship between spouses has “irretrievably broken down”. There are 5 circumstances that can prove this and one of which is where you are able to show that “your spouse has committed adultery and you find it intolerable to live with him or her”.
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Infidelity, an issue as old as time, remains a sensitive…
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When your spouse has sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, and you find it intolerable to live with him/her anymore, you may rely on the fact of his or her adultery to file for a divorce.
If you wish to file for divorce based on adultery, you have to show the Court that:
Your spouse has committed adultery; and
You find it intolerable to continue living with your spouse.
Women cheating on their husbands has been on the rise in Singapore in recent years so it’s not surprising that one of the most frequently asked questions our divorce lawyers hear in our practice is “Will cheating affect my divorce case?”
Infidelity, unfortunately, is a common issue faced by many couples,…
- Adultery or Improper Association?
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