The word “divorce” tends to summon images of acrimonious courtroom battles and tussling between husband and wife for child custody —all under the watchful eye of the public. As if the emotional burden of going though divorce is not already too much to handle, one has to worry about revealing ugly family scuffles to the public.
Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative Divorce is a legal process whereby couples who have decided to separate or end their marriage, can avoid the lengthy and costly process of a contested divorce through negotiation.
The Collaborative Divorce Process avoids the traditional adversarial process of going to court. It puts you and your spouse in charge of all decision-making, allowing you to determine the fairest and most appropriate solutions for you and your loved ones.
Is the Collaborative Divorce Process approach right for you? Our series of articles on Collaborative Family Practice provides all the information you need.
CFP may be the right choice for you if you seek: a dignified approach to handling your divorce. a fair and non-aggressive resolution of the issues based on the best interests of the family, not just the individual.
Collaborative Divorce (Collaborative Family Practice) is a dispute resolution process new to Singapore. It is a legal process whereby couples who have decided to separate or end their marriage, can avoid the lengthy and costly process of a contested divorce through negotiation.
Upon commencement of divorce, the parties can file a Proposed Parenting Plan (the “Plan”) for their children below 21. This Plan is a written proposal of how each parent shall manage matters relating to their child, such as the child’s residence and education.
Often the litigation and court process rips people and families further apart. Alternatives such as mediation and collaborative divorce have the power to positively influence not just the adults involved, but their children.
Choosing to Mediate a Divorce can occur at pre-trial stage or subsequent to parties filing legal action. Couples opting for this process, engage the services of a Family Mediator to help them reach terms and settlement before ending their marriage.
Divorce by mutual agreement has now become the sixth fact…
While divorce isn’t the right solution for every unhappy marriage,…
- Adultery or Improper Association?
- Annulment
- Child Custody & Maintenance
- Collaborative Divorce
- Divorce Podcast
- Divorce Process
- Family Violence
- Featured-Adultery
- Filing for Divorce
- For Father
- Ground and Facts for Divorce
- International Divorce
- Marital Agreements
- Matrimonial Assets & Division
- Pre Divorce Strategy
- Spousal Maintenance
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- Collaborative Family Practice Lawyer
- Child Representative Lawyer
- Mediator
(Family Justice Courts & SMC's Family Panel) - Associate Mediator
(Primary Dispute Resolution Centre)
- Certificate-in-Mediating Disputes
(Harvard Law School) - Certificate-in-Mediation-Skills ADR
(Regent's University of London) - Certificate-in-Negotiation
Said Business School (University of Oxford)