In Singapore, mediation at the Family Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) is a critical part of the family dispute resolution process.
The FDRC provides an effective, structured and confidential mediation process for families navigating challenging times like separation and divorce, signalling Singapore’s commitment towards therapeutic justice and amicable resolution.
This article provides an overview of the mediation process at the FDRC, its benefits, and the steps involved in the mediation process.
What is the FDRC?
The Family Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) in the Family Justice Courts (FJC) is a special unit established to provide mediation services for families going through separation, divorce or even disputes under the Guardianship of Infants Act and the Mental Capacity Act. Its aim is to help families reach a mutual agreement on various issues, such as child custody, maintenance, division of assets, and other family dispute matters.
Read more: All you need to know about Divorce Mediation in Singapore
Benefits of Mediation at FDRC:
: Mediation at the FDRC is confidential to foster open and honest communication and negotiation between parties.
Empowering Parties
: Mediation empowers parties to take control of the decision-making process and allow them to come up with solutions which would suit their needs rather than leave it to the Court to decide. This leads to more satisfactory and lasting outcomes. This will also help parties learn better ways to deal with their conflict if it arises in the future.
: Mediation at the FDRC is generally more cost-effective than litigation as it reduces the need for lengthy court hearings and associated legal fees.
: Mediation at the FDRC is generally faster as compared to going through traditional litigation. This allows parties to resolve their issues promptly and to move on to healing.
Preserving Relationships
: Mediation helps parties preserve important familial relationships, particularly when children are involved. When parties are able to resolve their issues amicably, they are able to move on from their conflict and proceed on to foster healthier co-parenting dynamics.
Read more: Benefits of Resolving Marital Conflict via Divorce Mediation
Steps in the Mediation Process
Referral and Screening
: Typically, the Court would direct parties to FDRC mediation for most family disputes. However, parties also have the option to request mediation at any stage of their case, subject to the Court’s evaluation.
Pre-Mediation Session
: Before the formal mediation process begins, parties will attend a pre-mediation session with the mediators who will explain the mediation process, clarify expectations, and obtain relevant information from the parties. Parties may also be directed to exchange information and proposals to facilitate the mediation going forward.
Mediation Sessions
: The mediation process usually comprises a series of sessions. Parties, along with their respective divorce lawyers (if any), will meet with a neutral mediation who will assist in facilitating communication, identifying common interests and to explore potential solutions.
Negotiation and Agreement
: Throughout the mediation sessions, parties engage in negotiations, sharing their position, concerns and interests. The mediator’s role is to help parties find a common ground and for them to come to a mutually acceptable settlement.
Drafting the Mediated Agreement
: If an agreement is reached, the mediator guides parties in draft the terms of settlement, which will be formalised into a binding agreement.
Court Approval
: Once the agreement is drafted, parties may need to obtain legal advice prior to making an application to Court to record the agreement as an order of court.
Mediation at the Family Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) in Singapore offers families in crisis, including divorcing couples a constructive and cooperative alternative to the traditional adversarial litigation process.
With the help of skilled mediators, parties can try to find practical solutions that meets the needs of all involved, leading to a more sustainable outcome for the entire family.

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