Top Google Searches on Divorce in Singapore: What You Need to Know

google searches on divorce in singapore

Divorce is an overwhelming and emotional process regardless of who you are. After all, no one enters into a marriage expecting it to end in divorce, leaving many feeling overwhelmed and often aimlessly searching for a quick solution online.

Since July 2023, Google searches in Singapore for “affordable divorce lawyers near me” have increased by 150%. his emerging trend reflects rising concerns about divorce costs.

However, while going for an “affordable divorce lawyer” may seem appealing, it is important to recognise that every divorce is different. Many factors affect the overall timeline and costs, such as the complexity of the case, whether there are disputed matters like child issues or property division, and the current relationship between the parties.

Affordable Divorce Lawyers: More Than Just Low Fees

An affordable divorce lawyer may not necessarily mean going for the cheapest option, but rather finding one who delivers good value through reliable legal advice tailored to your unique circumstances.

Many times, this involves a paid consultation, where the lawyer will hear you out, provide a legal opinion specific to your situation, help you understand your rights, obligations, and potential outcomes. By seeking a clear, professional legal opinion tailored to you early in the process, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that the financial and emotional aspects of your divorce are handled effectively.

Read more: Should Divorce Be Cheap And Easy?

Still unsure about what to look for? We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about divorce in Singapore. Our answers can help guide you through this challenging process

Here are some of Singapore’s most-searched divorce questions based on legal trends and online data:

What are the grounds for divorce in Singapore?

In Singapore, there is only one ground for divorce, which is the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. This can be proven by one or more facts such as adultery, unreasonable behavior, desertion, or separation for a certain period (3 years with consent, 4 years without) or by consent.

Read more: Understanding Divorce in Singapore: Procedure, Reasons, and Financial Implications

When can I file for divorce?

You must be married for at least 3 years before filing for divorce in Singapore, unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as cases of extreme hardship or exceptional depravity, which may allow for a divorce before this period.

Read more: Mistakes to Avoid Before Filing for Divorce

How are matrimonial assets divided in a divorce?

In Singapore, matrimonial assets typically include properties, possessions and monies gained during the marriage, whether or not in sole or joint names. Assets acquired before the marriage or inherited may also be considered if they were substantially used for the benefit of the family.

The division of matrimonial assets is guided by a “just and equitable” principle and the Court would consider factors like the direct financial contributions (e.g., payments toward the acquisition of the property) and indirect contributions (e.g., child-rearing, household management, paying for the family’s expenses) made by both parties during the marriage.

Read more: Factors Influencing Division of Matrimonial Assets

What happens to the HDB flat after a divorce?

In Singapore, the fate of the HDB flat depends on several factors. If the couple has met the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP), they can either sell the flat in the open market and divide the proceeds, or one party may choose take over ownership of the flat by buying out the other spouse’s share (if he or she is eligible to do so – eg., meets HDB requirements, financially able to take over flat).

If the couple has children, the flat can also be retained for the children’s welfare.

Read more: What Happens to my HDB Flat when I Divorce?

How is child custody decided in a divorce?

In Singapore, the court generally tends towards joint custody, meaning both parents will continue to have a say in major decisions regarding the child’s upbringing.

Depending on the unique circumstances of the family, care and control (i.e., who the child lives with day-to-day), may be granted to one parent with the other parent receiving access rights, or shared between both parents in a fixed arrangement.

Read more: Understanding Child Custody: Sole Custody & Joint Custody

How long does it take to finalise a divorce in Singapore?

The duration of a divorce process in Singapore depends on whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. For an uncontested divorce, where both parties agree on all matters including asset division and child custody, the process can take around 4 to 5 months.

However, for a contested divorce, the process can take much longer—up to 18 months or more—depending on the complexity of the issues being disputed.

Can divorce be agreed on in Singapore?

Yes, if both parties agree on all terms of the divorce, such as asset division, custody, and maintenance, they can proceed with an uncontested divorce. This is a simplified process that avoids lengthy court battles, making it a more cost-effective and less stressful option for both parties.

Read more: Divorce by Mutual Agreement (DMA) in Singapore

Experience, Transparency, and Value: Family Law at GJC Law

At Gloria James-Civetta & Co, we are known for delivering sound legal advice with a strong commitment to value for money. Our experienced team takes a tailored approach, offering clear, practical guidance on your legal matters. We ensure that clients are fully informed and supported throughout every stage of the process.

We are proud to have one of Singapore’s largest and most experienced family law departments, handling everything from straightforward divorces to complex contested cases involving asset division, child custody, and maintenance. With our depth of expertise, we can offer effective solutions while keeping our clients’ best interests at the forefront.

Additionally, we believe in transparency when it comes to pricing. We offer clear pricing structures, ensuring you know upfront what to expect with no hidden costs. This commitment to clear and fair pricing allows you to manage your financial obligations confidently while receiving high-quality legal representation.

Whether you’re facing a complex divorce or seeking advice on family law matters, you can trust that we provide comprehensive support with both efficiency and value.

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Your 30-minute free consultation with our family lawyers will include advice on:

  • Laws applicable to your situation;
  • Options available if you decide to take matters forward;
  • Estimated costs involved in your matter.

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