At GJC Law, “Every Client’s Case is as Unique as it is important to us”.
We review and dispense open, honest, and transparent Family Law advice with regard to your particular set of circumstances and make recommendations and strategies that can be applied to your case.
We will explore the process, choices, and likelihood of success or otherwise of any proposed course of action and commit to working to stay as close to your budget as possible.
Simply put, our duty is to dispense advice based on law and our extensive years of experience and previous precedents.
With our track record and experience, we help our clients achieve earlier settlements at the mediation/negotiation stages to keep legal fees to a minimum and prevent further undue stress or anxiety.
Our Cases only go through the litigation route (trial) when all other avenues have failed, and circumstances warrant a judge to make a court order.
What we strive to achieve is a fair balance and the best possible results for our clients in the alternative avenues and trial process if needed.
Our approach to child-related matters
Our team of family lawyers have extensive experience in all areas of child issues, including disputes over custody, care & control, access, international relocations and child abduction (Hague Convention Applications), as well as applications for child maintenance.
A significant portion of our practice involves assisting clients in highly contentious child custody and living arrangements disputes.
Regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in, we can explain how the law works, outline your options, and highlight the ones we believe are most appropriate in establishing a positive and sustainable outcome for you and your children with the aim of avoiding escalated court proceedings.
About Gloria James
Head lawyer Gloria James-Civetta believes in taking a collaborative approach to resolve divorce and family issues, and where appropriate, she uses collaborative divorce and mediation as an alternative route to costly court proceedings.
She is a certified Collaborative Family Practitioner, Parenting Coordination Lawyer, Child Representative Lawyer, Associate Mediator, Family Mediator, Primary Justice Lawyer, CDC Divorce Coach®, and Harvard Law School-trained Mediator.
Being trained in these areas helps our practice provide additional valued services to our clients, allowing them to consider various options and avenues in taking their cases forward.

We’re here for you
If you have any questions about the divorce process, or whether a fixed fee package is right for you, please get in touch with us for your free 30 minute consultation.
Our goal is to help you find a resolution that works for you.