Divorce ca…
在新加坡的大多数案件中,法院授予父母共 同监护权,通常由父母中的一方照顾和控制 子女。在这种情况下,父母双方都可参与为 孩子做出的重大人生决定。
法院普遍支持共同监护,这样父母之间的纽 带得以维系,父母双方都能履行子女赡养和 发展的共同责任。
最终目的是确保在父母提起离婚诉讼时,子 女的福利和赡养不会被忽视。为确保达成上 述目的,除非双方达成协议,否则不会对离 婚作出最终判决。
我们有关新加坡子女监护和赡养的系列文章 提供了您所需要的所有答案。
Every divo…
Upon commencement of divorce, the parties can file a Proposed Parenting Plan (the “Plan”) for their children below 21. This Plan is a written proposal of how each parent shall manage matters relating to their child, such as the child’s residence and education.
In our Asian culture, it is commonplace that grandparents play a huge role in the care and support of a child while parents hold full time jobs in order to bring home the bacon.
There are …
Parenting …
Sole custody is the right to make important decisions for the child without having
It is impo…
This is a …
It is not …